Tips for good content writing

Writing well (particularly your content writing and web writing) is a key player in drawing in more customers and leads via organic searches, as we’ve looked at previously with easy SEO tips.

Good content

If you’re not getting the organic traffic that you expect, it’s time to start including better written and more content on your site. To do this, it’s essential to know what Google determines as good content. You’ll need to know what to avoid, how to make it engaging and readable to your target audience with an insight to the importance of setting business goals in order for marketing success!

72% of marketers say relevant content creation was the most effective SEO tactic. 

In this article I’m discussing great content. Content can mean a number of things in marketing but in this article I am focusing on discussing content articles, which are online articles that are informative and well written but as they are often commissioned by a business an organisation, they play a part in the sales process. They are not as obvious and glaring as advertorials, they are more closely related to editorial. Although not overtly “salesy” they can occasionally contain bias and will avoid mentioning competitors. We’ll also touch on static website copy (all the other text that sits on your website) and the part that plays in sales and conversions.

local content writing

Before you consider creating exciting features or content for your website, brainstorm your business goals. Think about what you want to happen when people visit your website. To get the results you desire, set marketing goals from the outset. Especially in order to develop an effective marketing strategy that is easy to follow and execute. Identifying clear goals and your “why” will help you understand the motivation behind every marketing activity. Plus, it will help you simplify your decisions.
If your goal is to increase sales, you might consider that your plan will focus on having a user friendly site. Ensure you include clear calls to action to increase conversion rate. Conversion rates indicate the amount of people who visit your site who then follow your call to action. Which can include making a purchase on your site, subscribing to your enewsletter or contacting your business.
Other goals include:

  • becoming an authoritative resource in your industry or on your area of expertise
  • improving interaction with your customers and
  • nurturing new leads to eventually convert them into new customers or sales.

Establishing trust leads to sales

content writing tips

To achieve these goals you’ll want to establish trust on your website with the content writing you provide. As well as the way you present your knowledge. You’ll particularly want to give your customers a reason to come back to your site.

‘On average, consumers visited at least three online stores before making their purchase and 81 percent of shoppers conduct online research before making a purchase.’ 

To capture those people who are ready to make a purchase upon first viewing of your site or to increase the chances of people coming back, it’s imperative that you foster a sense of trust and knowledge on your product or services. Having compelling content articles and static website copy will instil confidence and security in your potential buyer.
Kissmetrics tells us that ‘Approximately 96% of visitors that come to your website are not ready to buy.’ Give them a reason to come back! If you’re looking to establish your brand and its credibility, you’ll also need to look at producing great content.

The base of your content writing

content writing

Good content writing is optimised content and makes thorough use of intentional keywords. Keywords are the words or phrases people typically search for whilst using a search engine. For example, if you’ve set up a business selling BMX bikes in Sydney, ensure that you use those keywords and variations of in your content. Avoid overusing the terms, make it readable and enjoyable and importantly informative for your audience, as Google’s ranking system is hyper savvy and will know when you are “keyword stuffing”.

adelaide content writing

The other important factor about content writing is making sure you post regularly to see positive results. Each business and website is different (as is their audience). So it’s important to work out how often is ideal for you to post regular content. My standard advice is to consider weekly or fortnightly content articles. Making sure they are information rich and useful for your audience.

There are a number of copywriting services that I offer to help with this process. All of which I’m excited to help you get tangible results. They are:

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