Facebook’s Algorithm
Okay, so you’ve set up a Facebook business page and you are posting stuff regularly and people are starting to become engaged. More or less.
Be aware that not all your Facebook page posts will automatically reach all of your community, particularly if your page is categorised under business or any profit based category. I’ve noticed – whether it’s a coincidence or not – that not for profit and community pages seem to get a better reach. Much like Google, Facebook utilises a user based algorithm, which changes regularly. It’s vital that you have relevant and engaging content that will actively encourage your “likers” to search out your page and content. Facebook keeps an eye on everyone’s using behaviour, so it guesses which pages, posts and items you want to see the most based on your past behaviour. The more often you visit a Facebook page, them more prominent it will be in your timeline; which is often the last fifty pages you have viewed (as a user).
It does help if you mix up your content between text based status updates, external links, embedded videos (not YouTube or Vimeo, these are considered external links), images, events and questions. The aim is to keep your audience engaged with your page, so it’s not getting hidden in the noise of Facebook. But really, at the end of the day there is only ONE sure fire way to do this: consistently post excellent and engaging content. There is no other way around it!